Flow #1: what is attraction; the reality cycle; how to change a habit.

In this blog, I will be flowing myself out onto whatever topics come to mind as the train of thought takes me to my destination. I sit and type this out for a solid block of time, letting my mind flow where it thinks is necessary to achieve my overall final goal, which tends to actually change quite often as I type.

I encourage you to read though the entry once, and then go back through, highlighting certain things for yourself, for a deeper introspective thought, and for referencing in communication with me.

This is me. - (Nov 23rd 2007)


After a solid year of empirical data (the proof), a year chock-full of having the things I wanted (the goal), and having a deeper understanding of 'thoughts becoming things' (the method)...

I realize that, I really do create my own reality. And in doing that, my mind has a role to play, and the reality I experience around me has another role to play. Outside reality really does exist, but its not the only thing thats occurring.

What is gravity? What is time? What is knowledge? What is energy?

Wait, stop. Come back. Ok, now we've identified some mind questions.

Can you see gravity? No, only its effects on reality.

So then, we cannot sense some things, only see their remarks upon reality itself. Like always seeing a footprint in sand, but never seeing the foot itself step.

These things 'exist' but 'dont exist' ... or perhaps existence is not just what we sense...

I believe that the mind has the "invisible ability" to weave its own experience of reality. Whether it is weaving reality itself, or making a perception of it, or the experience comes in to be evidence, and a hazy fog blurs how to differentiate between your senses, your feelings, your ego, your outside world, and you.

The mind shockwaves reality like gravity on matter: Except the mind has freedom, and choice...

Its like seeing the mind as a painter of an exquisitely deep piece of art, using anything it can fathom as the paint and the inner-map of reality as the canvas.

The experience?

then reflect upon this art, and from that, you decide who you are, what you do, where to go, why to be, and how to be, by mirroring this artwork of your inner-canvas that the inner-you is experiencing, outwardly onto reality.

In short, you "are" somebody, and into reality you be it. If you are a happy person, you express happiness into reality.

And you'll find that being happy tends to make you even more happy. And the more happy you feel, the happier you'll feel even more.

The universe mirrors that inner-canvas that you create, that happiness you express, by surrounding you with a reality that reflects the inner-you back to you.

This is why, when you think of yourself, feel yourself, and act like a person that is ______, your reality then responds and gives you even more ______, which you then respond to and be even more ______, which... I think you see the cycle now.

This also shows why sometimes we never even seem to experience other things. If we believe ourselves to be poor, not rich, more of our experiences at this time are of poor and not rich.

Those who speak most of something, have it. Those who speak most of happiness, ARE happy. Those who speak most of poverty are poor. This is not a coincidence.

If you want to have ++++++ but all you have is ------, then you must break the cycle. Inner-map mirrors onto reality, and then reality mirrors onto the inner-map... and this is where most people get stuck.

People get stuck when they try to break the cycle at the outside-reality level. They say, "something will come my way soon, and I'll then be able to control my life.", or, "If I only had _____.", or, "I dont have the time to...", or, "Why should I?"... These are all examples of people looking at the "outside" for a way to break an inner cycle.

The only other way to do it is to start from the inside. If you are mirroring out, and reality/the universe mirror back, then change what you mirror out to then change what you get back.

Right now.

Yes, really. Right now. Change now. Be who or what you want right now.

Stop waiting for it to come. Look no where outside yourself for it.

Have it now. Own it now. Feel it now.

Now is the only moment you can ever have it anyway. Now is the only moment you can ever experience at all.

You experience no wants, because it is right here right now, and you are experiencing it fully now.

By doing this in as many 'now' moments as you can, you'll start to 'reprogram' your reality. The outside-reality will start to show little glimmers of difference, morphing into larger manifestations, landslides of change, and even full-blown profound transformative changes occurring in your life.

But if your going to break a cycle and shed it forever, you must also get rid of its residual appearances. Don't look at reality a few minutes after you sit and think about a brand new car, looking to see if it has pulled itself into your drive-way. Doing this will only be reflecting back onto your "old" reality.

Without control, every moment that is now is a reflection of just a moment ago.

You gotta "flush" the cycle out. How? Stop trying to figure out if its working. Dont look at reality and compare, identify, or predict what is happening or what is going to happen. Believe that you are now _____, regardless what reality shows back to you or what your mind says about it.

And when your ego jumps in and says "hey, wait, thats a lie. No I'm not!" just realize that your ego really hates to break cycles, because it was the one who built them.

Habits are each a complex piece of art.

Think of it like being forced to break a "piece of art" that a child made, but first having to consult with the child to tell it "I must break your art, its in my way"... and trying to expect the child to say:

"Ok, yea, no problem. Destroy my art, its cool. It may have only taken many years to process and develop that very complex piece of art... every bit of me reflecting in it, and it being a great way to express outwards the very essence of me... but no, really, go ahead and destroy it. Its ok, its not like I can control you directly and make you not destroy my piece of art..."

And unless you've deliberately separated yourself from your ego, now, the ego can control you to make you not destroy that artwork... because ... the ego is not separate from you, it is you.

Being your ego... you made the art. then, if you made the art... there is no need to destroy the art, because it is not "in the way" of anything anymore...

Ultimately, break an inner cycle, replace that cycle with a new cycle, and you get a new reality.

As you've heard through all of life, I'm sure, the best way to make or break a habit is...

Practice it, challenge it, evolve it, deepen it, question it, answer it, experience it, be it, know it, express it, change it... these are all essential to the managing and processing of habits within yourself.

Yet, its nice and all to express how to change a habit... but sometimes, its not a matter of how... its a matter of why?

Sometimes, your experiencing something in life, and you haven't made a direct connection between it and any specific or general group of habit(s)...

This is when you feel stuck in a rut in life. I'm sure you know what I mean. That feeling you get of "What am I doing wrong?! What must I do to make things better?!"

Am I suggesting that discovering a direct correlation between a habit(s) and a problem in life is the only way to be free of it?

No. But I trust that as you follow your own path in life, you'll know, when the time comes, when its really time to make change, and how to do it too.

As long as you continue to keep your mind open and grow.

I got a car

I think I'll start my blog off with a bang.

If you've known me anytime after I graduated high-school, you'll know I'm the guy with no car... bummin' rides from hither to ho.

Well, thats the way it used to be.

Today, I got a car. But I am not here to tell you about my 'car buying' process... because I don't have one of those...

So I'm driving down the road, coming home after the thanksgiving holiday, by myself with sporadic radio signals or just silent presence...

... and I start to feel this overwhelming feeling of "YES!", because after not having a car for 4 years, it feels very exciting to have one!

The very core of my story presents itself in how I got the car.

The way this car came into my existence was of total surprise and seeming randomness of reality. But I assure you, I believe it is related to randomness in no way at all...

I mean, I have been dreaming about getting a car given to me for free for... well, who hasn't for their whole life?

And here I am finally, in the last stretch of a phase of my life, finally able to drive anywhere anytime with complete freedom and choice... :deep breath: ahhhhhhhhhhhhh yea, thats the good stuff...

To think, the last time I had semi-complete freedom of a car was living in an off-campus apartment with kat for a year. I could places sometimes, it depended on when it was available.

Trust me, living in big open free spaces with access to a car and complete freedom...

...to a small box with room for just your essentials 15 minute to anything I ever do with non-existent car to access...

Is hard to do. Good thing I can handle chaos for a duration of only 5 months.

I'm in the last 3 weeks before complete freedom for a brief section of my life, now I have a car, and oh so many other very great things happening in my life...

and I deeply appreciate all of it.

[End of story, you're free to go. For a philosophical introspective, read on.]

Do I think this was random? You'll discover that I consider little to nothing being random, 'little' being only when my ego likes to try having its own opinion. Heh heh...

Well, what I do know is this: After a solid year of empirical data (the proof), a year chock-full of having the things I wanted (the goal), and having a deeper understanding of 'thoughts becoming things' (the method)...

I realize that, I really do create my own reality. And in doing that, my mind has a part to play, and the reality I experience around me has another role to play. It really does exist, but its not the only thing happening.

What is gravity? What is time? What is knowledge? What is energy?

Wait, stop. Come back. Ok, now we've identified some mind questions.

Can you see gravity? No, only its effects on reality.

So then, we cannot sense some things, only see their remarks upon reality itself. Like always seeing a footprint in sand, but never seeing the foot itself step.

These things 'exist' but 'dont exist' ... or perhaps existence is not just what we sense...

If something is to exist, it is to be of some mind. A mind has willed it into existence. Whether this 'thing' comes from a bit catalog book of the universe, or perhaps we are only beginning to re-scratch the surface of an ability we have as humans at out core...

We realize that our minds make our reality. If you are who you are, or where you are, or why you are, that is because you got yourself to that exact place. Egotistically speakings, you are the culmination of all your previous moments, on a timeline, morphing and evolving constantly, trying to stay afloat.

And with my mind, I have been practicing and challenging and evolving and deepening and questioning and answering and experiencing all the concepts branching off the tree root concept of "my thoughts, feelings, and actions create my reality"

Tying back in to the obtaining of my car...

It was only a matter of time until I got it.

Intentional Blog

The intention of this blog is to write on intention. Ideas are Magnets. What you think is what you get. Like thoughts attract like experiences. Thoughts become things.

You create your own reality.

Recently, across mass-media, a film called The Secret has been showing what the Law of Attraction is. This blog is not to teach you anything about the film. Know now that I do not believe in using the film as a 'bible'. I believe the only way to truly unify with the concepts of attraction/intention is to be the universal center of the experiences of it. Therefore...

This blog is a reflection of my own personal development, discoveries, stories, questions, answers, and breakthrough ideas, from my own internal development and experiences. I will be sharing via this blog what I do, my experiments, my results, and my stories.

I may express a question I am thinking about, and later come back to post my results, findings, thoughts, and further questions/answers.

I may lay out my mind on a topic, which might appear on the surface as "teachy", but mind you I care not to change anyones mind on anything I say here.

Those of you from my facebook group, welcome. You will find a copy of my concept series here on the blog, each and every # has been updated to reflect where I currently am.

This blog ultimately exists as an outward expression of myself and my ideas, and further gives opportunity to those who have similar and like-minded thoughts and experiences in life to share and connect with others like themselves.

You will receive from this blog what you are ready for.
